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Nuno Matos Duarte was born in 1971, in Portugal. He studied architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Oporto (F.A.U.P.) where he obtained his degree in 1996.


Worked as an architect since then, mainly as author of public building projects in Alentejo, Portugal.

Self-taught practitioner of several art forms, his visual works were exhibited in collective and individual exhibitions, outside commercial circuits.


In 2004 he was shortlisted for the II Lexmark European Art Prize.

In 2011 began advanced studies of photography, receiving in 2012 a post-graduation degree in “Photography, Project and Contemporary Art” at the IPA-Atelier de Lisboa, under the guidance of photographers like Bruno Pelletier Sequeira, Ana Janeiro, José Luis Neto, Daniel Blaufuks and Jem Southam, among others.

At the present time, Nuno lives and works in Lisbon.


2015 - "Arqueografia (volumes 1 e 2) - Centro de Artes e Cultura de Ponte de Sor

2014 - "Arqueografia", Sala de Leitura do Arquivo Fotográfico Municipal de Lisboa

2013 - "Experiência de Ver - Obras Fotográficas e Multimédia Recentes de Nuno Matos Duarte" (Experience of Seeing), Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco, Salão Nobre do Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior; Castelo Branco.

2005 - "Nuno de Matos Duarte - Pintura” (Painting), Sala da Nora do Cine-Teatro Avenida, Municipality of Castelo Branco/Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas (College for the Applied Arts); Castelo Branco.

2004 - “Sistema/Figuração" (System/Figuration), Espaço AP’Arte, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa;

2003 - “Sistema/Figuração" (System/Figuration), ARTitudo, Castelo de Vide;

2002 - “Pintura 2000/2001” (Painting 2000/2001), Acre, Ponte de Sor;

2001 - “Vislumbre” (Glimpse), ARTitudo, Castelo de Vide;

1997 - “Fluídos e Outras Manchas” (Fluids and Other Stains), ACRE, Ponte de Sor;

1995 - “Pintura 94/95” (Painting 1990/1994), Calouste Gulbenkian Municipal Library, Ponte de Sor;

1994 - “Pintura 1990/1994” (Painting 1990/1994), N.A.D.A., Ponte de Sor;


2012 - "VERDE" (GREEN), Atelier de Lisboa/IPA, Palácio Galveias - Galeria Poente, Lisboa

2007 - “Um Postal para Cesariny” (A Postcard to Cesariny); Joaquim Vermelho Museum; Estremoz;

2004 - Exposición Colectiva Extremeño-Alentejana – Ágora, El Debate Peninsular; Sala de Exposiciones de la Excma. Diputación de Badajoz; Badajoz;

2003 - “Circuito Cultural Transfronterizo 2003”, Asociación de Universidades Populares de Badajoz, Espanha, Almendralejo, Borba, Estremoz, Fuente Cantos, Portalegre, Albuquerque, Marvão e Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain;

2003 - “Azulejo Desenho Pintura Escultura” (Tiles Drawing Painting Sculpture), ARTitudo, Castelo de Vide;

2002 - "Colectiva de Outouno" (Autumn Collective), Municipality of Portalegre, Póvoas Palace, Portalegre;

2004 - “Selected works from the Painting and Sculpture D. Fernando II Award/2004 VIII Edition”, Sintra;


2014 - RODRIGUES, Miguel; Fotografia Portuguesa - Stock Off, Nuno Matos Duarte

2014 - GOMES, Sérgio B. - Uma Forma de Tentar Contrariar o Tempo; four pages Portfólio from Archeography series; Revista 2 do Jornal Público, 16 Mar 2014;

2014 - Archeography - Revista SCOPIO;

2012 - SOARES, Zara - Do real ao metafórico: assim é verde, ARTECAPITAL, Lisboa (Portuguese Language)

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